Part 2PD1820AS 115 of Nxp Semiconductors - Get a Competitive Quote

Part Number: 2PD1820AS 115 Manufacturer: Nxp Semiconductors
Part Type : discrete semiconductor products
Alternate P/N :  2PD1820AS115 Description: Transistor Npn 50V 500Ma Sc70 Npn 500Ma 50V - 600Mv @ 30Ma 300Ma - - 170 @ 150Ma 10V 200Mw 150Mhz Surface Mount Sc-70 Sot-323 Sc-70 Digi-Reel«

You can now receive a quote for board level component part number 2PD1820AS 115 Transistor Npn 50V 500Ma Sc70 Npn 500Ma 50V - 600Mv @ 30Ma 300Ma - - 170 @ 150Ma 10V 200Mw 150Mhz Surface Mount Sc-70 Sot-323 Sc-70 Digi-Reel«  which is manufactured by Nxp Semiconductors. It won’t take long.

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  • This website is intended for quotations based on part numbers only. Please DO NOT submit drawings, technical data, or other specifications through this portal. is an ASAP Semiconductor owned and operated website. ASAP Semiconductor is an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 0056B certified company. We are a leading source for Nxp Semiconductors various board level components like 2PD1820AS 115. Due to our large inventory which consists of more than 10 million parts. We stock parts from more than 5,000 well-known manufacturers from around the world. Our team of experts and friendly staff can answer any questions you may have at any time of the day. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Board level components are developed to be mounted on the embedded electronics for protection in mission-critical and harsh environments. Some board level components include electronic chips, capacitors, circuit breakers, discrete microelectronics, and semiconductors. Do you need more information on the board level component part number 2PD1820AS 115? If so, please feel free to contact us, and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you. You can reach us on our toll-free number +1-714-705-4780, or by mailing your (BOM) bill of materials to Also, download the ASAP Semiconductor mobile app for product updates and special offers. The app is available through the App Store and Google Play Store.

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